The Coolest Concept Gadgets That Might Become Reality

Though much sci-fi technology has become a reality, some concepts remain only in the minds of science fiction writers. Examples include self-tie shoes and portable cold fusion.

Here are the coolest gadgets that could become real. These include a mini robot that can cheer you up, dance to music, and play online games.

Dell Alienware Concept Nyx Game Controller

Last year, Alienware–a department of Dell–debuted their home gaming server concept known as Nyx, enabling people to play PC games across any screen in their home. At CES 2023, Dell and Alienware are taking this vision one step further by introducing an ergonomic controller designed to simplify PC gaming on your couch.

The Alienware Controller looks like an amalgamation of Xbox and PlayStation controllers (with some elements from Google Stadia thrown in). It features an embedded fingerprint sensor beneath its Alienware logo that recognizes your gaming profile to provide access to your game library and resume play exactly where it left off.

It features a circular trackpad capable of recognizing different gestures and providing haptic feedback, self-adjusting variable resistance thumb sticks with self-adjustability settings, as well as dual scroll wheels to navigate on-screen menus, and back paddles that can act as macros to remap other buttons on the controller.

One of the unique aspects of this controller is its built-in Wi-Fi connectivity directly to Nyx, allowing it to stream gameplay onto virtually any screen in your home. Not only can it replace traditional console controllers and keyboard/mouse combos, but it can even allow for remote playback on HDTV while other members of your family watch movies or use tablets at the same time!

At this point, this concept from Dell is only an idea, yet I find it compelling. I hope they take it further – I would love to have something like this installed in my home as it provides an opportunity for family time together while getting people away from their phones and tablets and into the living room for some quality time together.

SCIO magnetic camera system for smartphones

Smartphones contain numerous sensors for various functions. Accelerometers measure motion, while the gyroscope can detect rotation or tilt. Camera lenses even capture light-sensitive proteins found in human tissue for analysis at point-of-care (POC) [22].

However, an external device is necessary to obtain professional-grade photos with your smartphone’s camera. That is why Vladimir Fer created SCIO, a mirrorless lens that attaches via the MagSafe port on your iPhone and uses magnets in its port to orient and lock into place.

Cleverly designed to take advantage of smartphone reverse charging capability, this lens can draw power directly from the phone without needing an additional battery pack. Furthermore, users can manually adjust the lens’s focus, aperture, and ISO settings.

Although the SCIO isn’t yet for sale, its designers hope that crowdfunding can make production possible and you can learn more by visiting its Behance page.

One of the unique aspects of this magnetic camera system is that it utilizes one sensor for both front and rear shots, dramatically cutting costs. This is possible thanks to a wedge-shaped mirror that bends light perpendicularly rather than vertically, providing equal resolution with depth mapping capabilities for both cameras. Furthermore, piezo-electric actuators operate faster than voice coil motors while drawing significantly less current — further decreasing heat production and battery drain.

Atmoph Window

Atmoph Window is a digital window into stunning scenes from around the world. Place it on your desk or hang it on the wall and see scenes that transport you without leaving home! With more than 1,000 intelligent recordings of peaceful landscapes from every continent on Earth – complete with audio to make the experience as immersive as possible – Atmoph Window provides breathtaking scenes for viewing at any time.

As people increasingly rely on computers for everything from banking to online shopping, many seek ways to reconnect with nature and feel at peace with the world. Unfortunately, most of us don’t live in homes that offer stunning outdoor views – instead, we get stuck staring out into an urban jungle.

The Atmoph Window was created to address this gap in people’s lives. This intelligent display looks like a window and provides access to natural scenery videos with audio for an immersive outdoor experience.

To create the most realistic experience possible, this app utilizes a 4K camera and high-performance microphone to capture both visuals and sounds, along with facial tracking technology which adapts the scenery based on head movement, accounting for parallax effects and even altering its horizon depending on how the viewer is viewing it.

Atmoph Window Yo incorporates all the convenient features found in previous models, such as Google Calendar sync and alarm functionality, while adding a telescopic controller that lets you focus on specific details of a view. Furthermore, this device offers evolved Option Modules like Sunlight Bar, which recreates sun rays, and Wood Speaker Box, which amplifies view sound ambiance.

Lenovo Project Chronos remote workspace concept

At CES 2023, Lenovo introduced Project Chronos. According to Lenovo’s claims, this prototype provides a glasses-free full-body movement experience without using motion capture wearables – rather, an RGB depth camera optimized for low latency records and reproduces real-time movement within the virtual world.

A video demonstration shows someone doing jumping jacks animated smoothly on-screen, capturing their facial expression. It can also track other movements like swinging a bat or winding up a kick to send a soccer ball into the goal and detect and understand gestures or body language. Furthermore, its adjustable camera angle and flip-down feature allow users to capture certain angles or flip them down when not being used to protect privacy.

Lenovo’s novel concept could be helpful for various apps and uses, from creating content with a Vlogger avatar to attending virtual fitness classes. It might prove particularly effective in creating an “online metaverse” where people from around the globe come together in one space to communicate and collaborate on various projects simultaneously. Unfortunately, however, no information regarding pricing or release dates was given at this point.

Visit Lenovo Project Chronos’ official website for more information, as well as for some cool concepts that may become a reality, like these levitate skateboards and shoes themselves gadgets or this wall-mounted record player that saves table or sideboard space while looking amazing; also, this shoe storage device disinfects and deodorizes footwear for additional great ideas; don’t forget our Top Tech of the Week blog updates either!

Sonic Screwdriver

If you’ve seen an episode of Doctor Who, chances are you’ve seen him brandish his trademark sonic screwdriver to open doors, hack computer systems, and fight Daleks, among many other tasks.

But the gadget’s bright glow and whirring noise make us want to pick one up. While Doctor Who uses his trusted device to get out of all manner of jams, we may wonder what its capabilities might be.

Patrick Troughton first introduced his version of a Sonic Screwdriver in 1968’s Fury from the Deep episode and it differed slightly from those seen later on TV shows and films. This model featured a lighter design with a cream-colored handle and crackled-porcelain texture to match his TARDIS console, black pommel, the silver metal base of the handle, and an emitter that could change colors to trigger fire alarms or induce hypnosis in people.

The Twelfth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver was even more versatile than those used by his predecessors and seemingly had limitless uses. Equipped with a blue emitter tip that could rotate to create different settings and open deadlock seals (TV: Let’s Kill Hitler), disable hologram (TV: Pyramids of Mars), and disarm robots; it even included an “amplify sound/track aliens” function as well.

Though plenty of amazing concept gadgets have never made it to store shelves, some met with more unfortunate ends than others. One such example was the Apple AirPower wireless charging mat, an innovative idea that generated plenty of hype before its cancellation in 2019. We include it here as a reminder of what might have been had it succeeded.

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