Top 10 Emerging Technologies to Watch in 2024

Smartphones have long used artificial intelligence (AI) to improve photos and phone calls. But future gadgets will rely on it more heavily than just for entertainment and information purposes.

Adaptive AI is revolutionizing customer experiences across a wide variety of industries and applications while simultaneously providing non-technical users with interactive visualization of data.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence adds intelligence to technologies like smart cameras, security systems and software platforms. AI can improve productivity while decreasing energy costs by optimizing algorithms to be more adaptive.

CyberDetect can detect and respond to cyberattacks through continuous data input, as well as detect disease outbreaks such as COVID-19 outbreaks and identify treatment options for patients.

Hollywood movies and novels may portray artificial intelligence (AI) as becoming humanlike or taking over the world; experts, however, anticipate this happening sometime soon. Their biggest fear about AI, though, is misuse, which could produce fake news or misinformation and undermine fundamental human values – this is why understanding what AI is is essential – as is staying abreast of advances like ChatGPT or Claude that have recently gained in popularity in this field.


Robotics integrates sensors, actuators and software into an intelligent machine capable of performing various tasks. A centralized control system interprets information coming in from various sources to give instructions to actuator “muscles”, which then carry out movements or actions as required by instructions sent from multiple sources.

Industrial robots stack warehouse shelves and perform short-range deliveries. In contrast, telepresence robots give users the experience and capabilities of being physically present at any location – ideal for remote business consultations, home monitoring, medical care and child education. Other robots operate safely within hazardous environments to detect gas leaks, inspect power plants or perform surgery.

Drones and uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAV) are flying robots designed to monitor unsafe terrain, detect environmental threats and even fire missiles at targets on command. Other robots that can read lips to perform oral surgery procedures, play music for entertainment purposes, or fill pharmaceutical prescriptions are available; others are still capable of assembling cars, delivering food packages, or monitoring shorelines for any predators that might threaten human lives.


Faced with global economic challenges, businesses are constantly looking for new ways to expand and remain competitive – technology innovations may provide just such solutions.

5G networks offer more adaptable data connections that can be explicitly tailored to specific devices for specific use cases. This enables companies to optimize network performance while improving the bottom line by eliminating data bottlenecks.

Medical applications of 5G technology allow remote diagnosis and monitoring via AI algorithms; similarly, Elon Musk’s company Neuralink’s robotic arm uses neurofeedback to move limbs with brain commands for movement, requiring an ultra-reliable connection that minimizes latency.

5G will also allow for virtual networks to be segmented to prioritize traffic for business-critical applications, thus decreasing data transfer times and expanding IoT device bandwidth availability. Consumers can benefit from 5G’s increased capacity and speed by enjoying enhanced mobile gaming experiences.

Internet of Things

Utilizing sensors and software, IoT allows devices to communicate in real-time. This enables your air conditioner, for example, to talk directly with your electric meter so it only runs when electricity costs less. Furthermore, your refrigerator may alert you if milk levels run low so you can head straight out before your supply runs dry.

IoT technology can transform industries such as healthcare by eliminating traditional record-keeping requirements and tracking patients remotely. For instance, glucose monitors can alert doctors and caregivers of potential issues through real-time analysis of accurate data.

IoT devices can also help optimize energy use and decrease waste. Still, they must be coupled with cybersecurity solutions that protect IoT devices against hackers and other security threats – including edge computing, which processes data close to its source for improved response times and reduced latency.


Blockchain technology underlies cryptocurrency, but it’s revolutionizing industries by creating digitally distributed, trustworthy records of transactions. Use cases go well beyond cryptocurrency: health insurers use it to protect patient data while vaccine manufacturers keep an eye on global distribution; real estate brokers can use blockchain as a digital record of property ownership on the blockchain.

Blockchain has quickly become a go-to technology for businesses looking to reduce risk, increase transparency and streamline documentation processes. This year, companies should look for interoperability and hardware standardization within blockchain as a means of connecting disparate networks securely.

Adaptive AI

Adaptive AI allows for enhanced data processing and faster decision-making without the need for constant human oversight. By adapting to real-time needs, tasks can be completed faster with fewer errors, and operational efficiency can be enhanced by picking up on patterns and trends.

Brethenoux stated that this technology could deliver hyper-personalized shopping, content and service recommendations by analyzing customer behaviour, preferences and circumstances to provide experiences tailored to them – thus increasing customer retention and satisfaction.

Geriatric Artificial Intelligence can assist with the complexity of commercial finance, monitoring patient health and other high-stakes endeavours that require speed and precision. Tools like GitHub Copilot and Amazon CodeWhisperer allow for automated software development processes which are more cost-efficient than human efforts; this enables employees to focus their energy and creativity on projects requiring creativity and critical analysis rather than laborious software development tasks.

Extended Reality

VR technology has quickly evolved to incorporate augmented and mixed reality (AR/MR). AR/MR enable people to perceive computer-generated images within natural world settings; architects can view life-sized plans on construction sites, while surgeons use holographic overlays for greater precision when practising complex procedures. This technology is rapidly revolutionizing industries, from architecture firms viewing plans from within construction sites to surgeons practising complex procedures more precisely with holographic overlays for better precision.

New XR hardware is becoming less bulky, more affordable, and simpler to use than ever. Devices using spatial mapping, object recognition and hand and gesture tracking to make creating and interacting with augmented or virtual objects simpler than ever before.

Innovative technologies are revolutionizing our lives, from furthering scientific research to protecting data privacy, improving connectivity, and increasing organ availability. If you want to gain more knowledge on this subject, join our on-demand webinar!

Blockchain Interoperability

Generative AI, Neuromorphic Computing, and Edge Computing technologies are revolutionizing global economies, furthering scientific research, protecting data privacy, improving connectivity infrastructure, fighting climate change and increasing organ availability – to name just some examples highlighted in the World Economic Forum and Frontiers Top Ten Emerging Technologies to Watch in 2024 list.

Blockchain interoperability enables different blockchain networks to interact, allowing token exchange, execution of functions, retrieval of information and use. This enables companies and users to benefit from each blockchain network while taking advantage of its best features. Blockchain-agnostic protocols serve as middle layers that translate and relay events from multiple blockchains, making them interoperable; other methods include hash locking (using proof of work verification to mint new tokens on another chain) or protocol bridges as interoperability methods.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing will take information processing to a whole new level. This revolutionary technology leverages quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers to handle, revolutionizing artificial intelligence, simulation, optimization and machine learning alike.

The World Economic Forum, in partnership with Frontiers, has identified ten emerging technologies that could have an enormous impact on the global future, including AI for Scientific Discovery, Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Carbon Capturing Microbes and Immersive Tech.

Quantum computers’ ability to perform numerous calculations exponentially faster could be helpful for businesses in many ways, including balancing financial portfolios, increasing organ availability through genomics for transplants, and improving batteries in electric vehicles. Enterprises should prepare roadmaps for post-quantum cryptography – an emerging security framework which protects data against quantum hacking – which will drive increased cybersecurity spending by 2024.


Cybersecurity refers to the technology that protects individuals, businesses, and organizations against cyberattacks such as malware, computer viruses, and phishing. Cybersecurity plays an essential role in keeping critical infrastructure like hospitals, power plants and financial service companies running safely and reliably.

Security software protects both our private data from hackers and banking information from being stolen by criminals while also helping prevent ransomware attacks, which have become increasingly sophisticated and costly.

Cybersecurity protocols and systems rely heavily on analytics- and AI-powered technologies for real-time threat identification, such as unified threat management systems, SIEM (security information and event management), SOAR and EDR tools that detect incidents quickly to minimize damage; additionally, they improve backup capacities so businesses can resume operations swiftly following breaches without incurring ransomware payments.

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